1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages
gsvar 10.01.2021


The LANGUAGE TANDEM at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Foreign Languages at the FIRST FACULTY of MEDICINE, UK, Prague

What is the Language Tandem program at the First Faculty of Medicine, UK?

The aim of this program is to support the learning of Czech for students studying in English and the learning of English for those studying in Czech. The Language Tandem (LT) is focused on students meeting regularly and communicating in both target languages. The meetings can also take place on MS Teams as videomeetings. The amount of time dedicated to each language should be equal.

How is the Language Tandem put into practice?

Attendance of this program is mandatory for all second-year English Parallel students of General Medicine and Dentistry, and it is a compulsory part of the language course Czech for English Parallel 3, 4 (code B80496). LT is a voluntary subject (code B02865) for Czech Parallel students of all branches and years of study. However, LT is highly recommended as an opportunity to communicate in English with students of a similar study program.

How do I sign up for Language Tandem? How do I find an LT partner?

The LT partners are paired alphabetically at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Foreign Languages and will receive both their LT partners´ contacts and the worksheets (see below) via email during the 2nd week of the winter term.

See here

Are LT partners given a free choice of what to discuss or will they be provided with a set of tasks to complete?

The second year English Parallel students will receive 6 WORKSHEETS via email (on SIS) based on a set of medical topics: Orientation through the Hospital, The Human Body, At the doctor´s / At the dentist´s, In the Pharmacy, Accidents and First Aid, A Day at the Hospital. The students must complete these sheets at regular meetings with their LT partner and hand them in to their Czech teacher. Involvement in Language Tandem is compulsory in order to get the credit in Czech for English Parallel 3, 4 (B83126, B83125, B80496) in the winter term.

The Czech Parallel Students enrolled for the Language Tandem course will receive the worksheets (see above) via email (on SIS). These students will hand in the worksheets at the end of the winter term (during the credit week) to a person in charge at the Institute of the History of Medicine and Foreign Languages.

See here

More info:

Please hand in your processed tandem worksheets (handwritten, scanned) to your Czech teachers in your Czech lessons on MS Teams at the end of the winter term as it is a compulsory activity in order to get the credit in Czech in the winter term.

Czech parallel students will hand in their worksheets in the section of Assignments via their group on MS Teams at the end of the winter term (during the credit week).

For English Parallel students – get more information in your Czech language lessons.

For Czech Parallel students – please register for the Language Tandem (code B02865) via SIS.

Contact person:

Ing. Jana Bílková




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