1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages
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PhD study programme of HISTORY OF MEDICINE

PhD study programme of HISTORY OF MEDICINE

Characteristics of the study programme

History of medicine is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the history of medical science, history of particular specialties and their representatives, history of the medical profession and development of medical thought, history of training of health professionals, history of public health and health care facilities, incidence and alterations of disease entities as well as their treatment. At medical schools of universities in the world, history of medicine has had century-lasting tradition. The Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages (thereinafter “Institute”) of Charles University – the First Faculty of Medicine, one of the first in Europe, has been active at the oldest medical faculty in Czechia since 1920. Studies in this programme enable graduates of faculties of medicine and natural science as well as of various humanitarian fields to achieve the highest specialized education in this discipline. The Institute, which is the only in this specialty, is the central co-ordinating institution for education of PhD students of history of medicine for other university schools in Prague and nationwide.

Profile of the graduate of the study programme

Professional knowledge

The graduate obtains the following knowledge and skills:

good orientation in general history of medicine from ancient times to the present;

· detailed knowledge of the period that comprises the topic of the thesis;

· aptitude for interdisciplinary understanding of other fields of study, above all, in the border area between humanities and natural sciences (i.e. scientists must have an idea of methodology of historical studies while historians must be well-oriented in issues of palaeopathology).

Professional skills

The graduate is able

to work with a variety of primary resources as well as with secondary professional literature;

· to prepare and lead research projects independently and to treat them considering the interdisciplinary view above all;

· to solve the given issues from the fields of palaeopathology, palaeomicrobiology, gender and social history, history of medicine and health care, typology and development of medical literature in Latin which pertains to the Prague medical faculty, etc. independently and at the due level of quality.

Characteristics of professions

The graduates can use their education in the following areas:

teaching at universities (tuition of history of medicine, health care and basic medical terminology at medical and other faculties);

· activities at research and academic institutions (e.g. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic);

· professional activity in museums and other specialized institutions.

Information and technological background of the study programme

At its lately renovated premises, the Institute has adequate capacity for regular consultations with students. Recently it has been refurbished with modern computer technology. The Institute possesses an extensive library that includes about 17 thousand volumes. The library is a unique collection for the field of history of medicine, especially for older periods, even within all Europe. It has preserved the best part of the collections of the first professional medical library of the Prague medical faculty (Medizinisches Lesemuseum, established 1841) and in keeping with financial resources, mainly coming from grants projects, its collections have been continuously completed with recent monographs as well as periodicals. Access to specialized data bases (ProQuest, JSTOR, etc.) in provided by the Faculty.

Prerequisites for applicants

Completed education with Master degree, passing the entrance examination in the form of an interview, submitting the topic to be dealt with in the dissertation thesis.

Input knowledge required:

basic orientation in the topic that the applicant wishes to deal with;

· proof of language skills that are necessary to elaborate the given topic (Latin, German, English, French, or Italian).

Examination of the applicant’s aptitude for independent scientific work.

Study subjects

Study subjects are classified as compulsory, conditionally compulsory and facultative. Each student must pass at least three subjects (two compulsory and one conditionally compulsory).

Compulsory subjects:

Cycle of lectures on history of medicine

· Seminar on history of medicine

· Methodology of historical sciences (only compulsory for graduates of Master programmes in science and/or biomedicine)

· Somatology (only compulsory for graduates of Master programmes in humanities)

Facultative subjects:

Palaeography seminar with reading of medical literature in Latin

· Basic palaeopathology

· Basic medical terminology

· History of nutrition


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits


Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.; Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ludmila Hlaváčková, CSc.; PhDr. Hana Mášová, Ph.D.; Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D. and external specialists invited ad hoc

Brief abstract of the subject:

The aim is to provide orientation in important world institutions, prominent personalities and basic reference literature as well as major scientific journals in the field of history of medicine. The subject is partly taught by teachers from the Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, but also teachers from other institutions in Czechia and abroad (Germany, Austria, Russia) are invited as well to provide the overview of the present state of the field.

It is emphasised that each student should get into contact with as widest scope of methods/methodologies as possible, and at the same time obtain an idea of how the field of history of medicine is studied abroad. The cycle of lectures promotes interdisciplinary studies on the border between natural sciences and humanities.

Basic literature:

VAN DÜLMEN, Richard. Historická antropologie. Vývoj, problémy, úkoly. [Historical anthropology: Development, problems, tasks] Praha: Dokořán 2002.

· ECKART, Wolfgang U. Geschichte der Medizin (Springer-Lehrbuch). [History of medicine (A Springer textbook)] Heidelberg: Springer, 2005.

· ECKART, Wolfgang U. – JÜTTE, Robert. Medizingeschichte. [History of medicine] Köln: Böhlau 2007.

· NULAND, Sherwin B. Medicine v průběhu staletí. [Medicine in the course of centuries] Praha: Knižní klub, 2000.

· PORTER, Roy. Největší dobrodiní lidstva. Historie medicíny od starověku po současnost. [The History of Medicine: Past, Present and Future] Praha: Prostor 2001.

· SVOBODNÝ, Petr – HLAVÁČKOVÁ, Ludmila. Dějiny medicine v českých zemích. [History of medicine in Czech lands] Praha: Triton, 2004.

· TOSH, John. The Pursuit of History. Aims, methods and new directions in the study of modern history, London: Pearson Education, 2010.

Recommended literature:

IGGERS, Georg. Dějepisectví ve 20. století. [Historiography in the Twentieth Century] Praha: NLN 2002.

· NOACK, Thorsten u.a. (Hgg.). Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik in der Medizin. [History, theory and ethics in medicine] München: Urban & Fischer, 2007.

· SCHULZ, Stefan u.a. (Hgg.). Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin. Eine Einführung. [History, theory and ethics of medicine. An introduction] Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2006.

· SEIDLER, Eduard – LEVEN, Karl-Heinz. Geschichte der Medizin und der Krankenpflege. [History of medicine and patient care] Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2003.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits

Further requirements:

Active participation in professional conferences and seminars, publication of articles from the field. reviewing and expert opinion activity.


Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.; Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ludmila Hlaváčková, CSc.; PhDr. Hana Mášová, Ph.D.; Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D. and external specialists invited ad hoc

Brief abstract of the subject:

This subject is focused on students’ independent work with given topics. The students regularly meet at seminars, whose content matter is based on specific tasks done within particular dissertation theses. The objective is to identify problems, above all heuristic and methodologic in their nature, which will be presented by one student and then discussed by the others under guidance of an expert in the given area. The emphasis is on a widest scope of topics presented and getting the students beyond the strictly limited context of their own research topics.

Basic literature:

COSMACINI, Giorgio. Le spade di Damocle. Paure e malattie nella storia, [The Sword of Damocles. §§] b. m.: Edizioni Laterza 2006.

· VAN DÜLMEN, Richard. Historická antropologie. Vývoj, problémy, úkoly. [Historical anthropology: Development, problems, tasks] Praha: Dokořán 2002.

· ECKART, Wolfgang U. Geschichte der Medizin (Springer-Lehrbuch) [History of medicine (A Springer textbook)], Heidelberg: Springer, 2005.

· ECKART, Wolfgang U. – JÜTTE, Robert. Medizingeschichte. [History of medicine] Köln: Böhlau, 2007.

· GRMEK, Mirko D. et. al. Storia del pensiero medico occidentale, 2. dal rinascimento all’inizio dell’ottocento, [History of Medical Thought in the West. 2- from Renaissance to the beginning of 1980s] Roma 1996.

· TINKOVÁ, Daniela. Revoluce a smysl dějin. Esej o mýtu revolučního zlomu a logiky „dějin“ v historiografické reflexi, [Revolution and sense of history. An essay about the myth of a revolutionary breakthrough and logics of “history” in historiographic reflexion] Dějiny - teorie - kritika 1, 2004, s. 30-58.

· TOSH, John. The Pursuit of History. Aims, methods and new directions in the study of modern history, London: Pearson Education, 2010.

Recommended literature:

IGGERS, Georg. Dějepisectví ve 20. století. [Historiography in the Twentieth Century] Praha: NLN 2002.

· NOACK, Thorsten u.a. (Hgg.). Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik in der Medizin. [History, theory and ethics in medicine] München: Urban & Fischer, 2007.

· SCHULZ, Stefan u.a. (Hgg.). Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin. Eine Einführung. [History, theory and ethics of medicine. An introduction] Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2006.

· SEIDLER, Eduard – LEVEN, Karl-Heinz. Geschichte der Medizin und der Krankenpflege. [History of medicine and patient care] Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2003.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: exam

Further requirements:

Producing the basic abstract of the dissertation thesis, as its topic is what individualized work with a student is derived from. (This is connected with the interdisciplinary nature of the given studies.)


Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ludmila Hlaváčková, CSc.; Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D.

Brief abstract of the subject:

This subject is meant, above all, for graduates of Masters programmes at schools of natural science and biomedicine in order to provide basic historical education.
It is focused on the following topics:

Delimiting the scope of the field history of medicine among historical sciences

· History of historiography of medicine and history of the institutions involved in it

· Introduction to historical heuristics (types of resources, network of archives in the Czech Republic, introduction to palaeography).

· Instruction in basic methods of historical research with special focus on the topis of the student’s disserteaion thesis.

Basic literature:

BLÁHOVÁ, Marie. Historická chronologie.[Historical chronology] Praha: LIBRI, 2001.

· HLAVÁČEK, Ivan – KAŠPAR, Jaroslav – NOVÝ, Rostislav. Vademecum pomocných věd historických, [Vademecum of auxiliary historical sciences] Jinočany: H&H 2002.

· IGGERS, Georg. Dějepisectví ve 20. století. [Historiography in the Twentieth Century] Praha: NLN 2002.

Recommended literature:

TOSH, John. The Pursuit of History (5th Edition) [Paperback], b. m.: Longman, 2010.

· PORTER, Roy – WEAR, Andrew (eds.). Problems and Methods in the History of Medicine, London: Croon Helm 1987.

· ŠPELDA, Daniel. Proměny historiografie vědy, [Metamorphoses of historiography of science] Praha: FILOSOFIA 2009.

· BURKE, Peter. Francouzská revoluce v dějepisectví. [The French Historical Revolution] Praha: NLN 2004.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: exam

Further requirements:

Student‘s attendance at lectures (obligatory).


Prof. MUDr. Václav Smrčka, CSc.; Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Ondřej Naňka, Ph.D.

Brief abstract of the subject:

This subject is meant, above all, for graduates of Masters programmes in humanities in order to provide basic education in biomedicine.

The objective of the subject is:

obtaining more detailed information about morphology and physiology of the human body;

· learning about the basic problems of variability of biological (physical, behavioural and sociocultural) human structures in past and present;

· inseparably, a good command of Graeco-Latin medical terminology (which can be learnt further in a specialized facultative subject – see below).

Basic literature:

DYLEVSKÝ, Ivan. Anatomie a fyziologie člověka. [Human anatomy and physiology] Olomouc: Epava, 1998.

· DYLEVSKÝ, Ivan. Somatologie. [Somatology]Olomouc: Epava, 2000.

Recommended literature:

ČIHÁK, Radomír a kol. Anatomie 1-3. [Anatomy 1-3] Praha: Grada 2001-2004.

· VEJRAŽKA, Martin – SVOBODOVÁ, Dana. Terminologiae medicae IANUA. Praha: Academia, 2002.

· VESALIUS, Andreas. Anatomia. Wiesbaden: Marix Verlag, 2004.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits

Further requirements:

Further requirements: Student’s knowledge of the development of Europe-an medieval medical schools. Translation and explanation of a section of text from Latin medical literature, preferably by authors connected to the university in Prague.


Prof. PhDr. Milada Říhová, CSc.

Brief abstract of the subject:

Reading of medieval Latin texts by prominent university and court physicians, preserved as manuscripts, complemented with exposition of the language, palaeography and factual background.

Basic literature:

 CAPPELLI, Adriano. Dizionario di abbreviature Latine ed Italiane. [Dictionary of Latin and Italian abbreviations] Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A., 1990.

· KAŠPAR, Josef. Úvod do novověké latinské palaeografie se zvláštním zřetelem k českým zemím, I-II. [Introduction to New Age Latin palaeography with special focus on Czech lands, I-II.] Praha: SPN, 1975.

· PÁTKOVÁ, Hana. Česká středověká palaeografie. [Czech medieval palaeography] České Budějovice: Veduta, 2008.

· EBELOVÁ, Ivana. Klíč k novověké palaeografii. [A key to New Age palaeography] Praha, 2004.

Recommended literature:

Conseils pour ľédition des textes médiévaux, Fascicule I, Conseils généraux. [Instructions for editing the medieval texts. Volume 1, General instructions] Paris: École nationale des chartes. 2001.

· Conseils pour ľédition des textes médiévaux, Fascicule II, Actes et documents dۥarchives. [Instructions for editing the medieval texts. Volume 2. Archive papers and documents] Paris: École nationale des chartes. 2001.

· Conseils pour ľédition des textes médiévaux, Fascicule III, Textes littéraires. [[Instructions for editing the medieval texts. Volume 3, Texts of literature] Paris: École nationale des chartes. 2002.

· ŘÍHOVÁ, Milada a kol. Lékaři na dvoře Karla IV. a Jana Lucemburského. [Physicians at the court of Charles IV and John of Luxembourg] Praha-Litomyšl: Paseka, 2010.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits

Further requirements:

Attendance at seminars.


Prof. MUDr. Václav Smrčka, CSc.

Brief abstract of the subject:

The subject is focused, above all, on providing the survey of palaeopathology as a field of science and its recent metamorphoses. It describes the new methods (palaeomicrobiology, palaeogenetics). It deals with the relations to archaeology, anthropology and medicine. Further, it deals with specific resources used by archaeologisty, their sources and chronology, explains the changes caused by diseases, traumas or intentional interventions, dissections and study of mummies.

Basic literature:

STLOUKAL M. – Vyhnánek L. Slované z velkomoravských Mikulčic. [Slavs of the Great Moravian Mikulčice] Praha: Academia 1976.

· STROUHAL E. Nemoci a léčení v pravěku Československa. [Illness and treatment in prehistory of Czechoslovakia] Praha: Avicenum 1970.

· STROUHAL E. – VYHNÁNEK L. Egyptian Mummies in Czechoslovak Collections. Sborník Národního muzea 35 B, Praha 1979.

· WALDRON, Tony. Palaeopathology (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology). Cambridge University Press 2008.

· WEISS, Elisabeth. Palaeopathology in Perspective: Bone Health and Disease through Time. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2014.

Recommended literature:

GRAUER, Anne L. A Companion to Palaeopathology (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology). Wiley-Blackwell 2016.

· MANN, Robert W. Photographic Regional Atlas of Bone Disease: A Guide to Pathologic and Normal Variations in the Human Skeleton. Charles C. Thomas Pub. Ltd. 2012.

· ROBERTS, Charlotte – MANCHESTER, Keith. The Archaeology of Disease. Cornell University Press 2007.

· SMRČKA, Václav – KUŽELKA, Vítězslav – POVÝŠIL, Ctibor. Atlas chorob na kostních preparátech : horní a dolní končetiny = Atlas of diseases in dry bones : upper and lower extremities. Praha: Academia 2009.

· STEINBOCK R.T. Palaeopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation. Ch. C. Thomas, Springfield (Illinois) 1976.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits

Further requirements:
Attendance in the seminar, passing the credits test.


Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.

Brief abstract of the subject:

The objective of the subject is to assist students, above all those with humanities background but also medical graduates, in orientation in medical resources written in Latin as well as in present-time medical terminology.

The subject deals with the basic Greco-Latin medical terminology to the extent that is common for first year students at medical schools. In addition, it puts a special focus on the history of development of medical terminology, history of establishment of anatomical terminology and the associated problems (e.g. incidence of obsolete terms, history of eponyms).

Basic literature:

VEJRAŽKA, Martin – SVOBODOVÁ, Dana. Terminologiae medicae IANUA. Praha: Galén, 2015.

· BERAN, Aleš. Výuka řecko-latinské lékařské terminologie ve studijních programech všeobecného medicine na lékařských fakultách v České republice a ve světě, disertace obhájená na Katedře pedagogiky Pedagogické fakulty UK [Tuition of Greco-Latin medical terminology in study programmes of general medicine at medical schools in the Czech Republic and in the world, dissertation thesis defended at the School of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Charles University] UK 2013.

· WULFF, Henrik R. The language of medicine, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2004 vol. 97, no. 4, s. 187–188.

Recommended literature:

Terminologia anatomica: international anatomical terminology By the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag 1998.

· Terminologia Histologica: International Terms for Human Cytology and Histology By the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008.


Type of study subject:

Form of completion of the subject: credits


Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.

Brief abstract of the subject:

This subject deals with history of nutrition from the oldest era up to present time. The explanation is focused on three main areas: (a) resources for the topic (material as well as documentary); (b) chronology of history of nutrition in the European region from the Dark Ages up to present time, with a special focus on the issues of demographic crises and overlaps with economic and social history; (c) sociocultural links of the concept of diet in human society.

The objective is to present history of nutrition as a complex social phenomenon, which on one hand has been closely connected to history of medicine since the classical Greek era, and on the other hand markedly influences the culture of the society. Diet has always been an important link between the professional medical discourse and the lay ideas of health and illness.

Basic literature:

ZÍBRT, Čeněk. Staročeská tělověda a zdravověda. [Old Czech body and health science] Praha: Sfinx 1924.

· BERANOVÁ, Magdalena. Jídlo a pití v pravěku a ve středověku. [Meals and drinks in prehistoric times and middle ages] Praha: Academia 2005.

· BERANOVÁ, Magdalena. Jídlo a pití za Rudolfa II. b. m.: Maxdorf 1997.

· BORTEL, Roman. Alchymie v kuchyni. Praha: Národní zemědělské muzeum 2010.

· FRANC, Martin. Řasy, nebo knedlíky? Postoje odborníků na výživu k inovacím a tradicím v české stravě v 50. a 60. letech 20. století. [Algae or dumplings? Nutritionists’ attitudes towards innovations and traditions in Czech diet in 1950s and 1960s] Praha: Scriptorium 2003.

· MONTANARI, Massimo. Hlad a hojnost. Dějiny stravování v Evropě. [Hunger and affluence. History of sustenance in Europe] Praha: NLN 2003.

· PÁNEK, Jan et al. Základy výživy. [Basics of nutrition] Praha: Svoboda Servis 2002.

· WINTER, Zikmund. Šat, strava a lékař v XV. a XVI. věku. [Clothes, foods and the physician in 15th and 16th century] Praha: J. Otto 1913.

Recommended literature:

ALBALA, Ken. Eating Right at the Renaissance. b. m.: University of California Press 2002.

· DALBY, Andrew. Nebezpečné chutě: příběh koření. [Dangerous Tastes: the story of spices] Praha: Levné knihy 2008.

· PORTER, Roy. Největší dobrodiní lidstva, historie medicíny od starověku po současnost, [The History of Medicine: Past, Present and Future] Praha: Prostor 2001.

· COE, Sophie – COE, Michael D. Čokoláda: historie sladkého tajemství. [The True History of Chocolate] Praha: Pragma 2000.

· HATTOX, Ralph S. Coffee and Coffeehouses: The Origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East (Near Eastern Studies, University of Washington). Washington DC: University of Washington Press 1985.

· COHEN, Mark Nathan – ARMELAGOS George J. Palaeopathology at the Origins of Agriculture, Orlando – San Diego – New York: University Press of Florida 2013.

Individual study plan (curriculum)

The Doctorand, under direction of the Supervising Tutor, shall compile his/her own study plan. The schedule of the progress includes these main stages:

(1) attending at least two special seminars and obtaining the respective credits;

(2) attending another special seminar according to the profile of the previous Masters studies -
for graduates in humanities: obligatory seminars in somatology and Latin medical terminology, and obtaining the respective credits;
for graduates of medical schools: introduction into methodology of historical sciences;

(3) language study completed with an exam;

(4) preparation and subsequent continuous elaboration of the Dissertation Thesis;

(5) Doctoral State Examination.

Further assignments

an exam in English (at a level not below B2);

· reviewing and expert opinion activity (at least 1 review per year), presentations at conferences;

· publication of partial output in the form of articles in scientific journals, reviewed according to the respective field (ERIH etc. for humanities, IF for palaeopathological fields);

· research in archives and libraries both home and abroad;

· recommendable is a stay at an allied institution abroad, such as institutes of history of medicine at medical schools, archives, libraries and museums.

Study assignments are specified by the doctorand’s Individual study plan (curriculum).

State doctoral examination

The Student is obliged to prove a broad horizon in the given discipline at an advanced level, in particular:

  • to prove detailed knowledge of the background achieved in the fields of medical, health, social and general history in the period relevant to the topic of the Dissertation Thesis;
  • one question will also include the knowledge of general history of medicine in the national as well as world scale, from an era other than that the Thesis is concerned with;
  • prove theoretical and methodological orientation both in history of medicine and historiography of the field.

Literature for the final State Examination is continuously updated according to the focus of the Dissertation Thesis.

Requirements concerning the form of the Dissertation Thesis and more detailed information for PhD students:

These rules are binding for students in the PhD programme of History of Medicine.

(2) The Dissertation Thesis must contain more new original knowledge than Masters theses and prove the Doctorand’s capability of independent creative scientific work beyond any doubt.

(3) If the thesis includes publication of a text that has not been published before, this text normally is not counted in the required extent of the thesis. Any possible exception to this rule must be discussed with the Supervising Tutor.

(4) The thesis must include the following parts:

· critical evaluation of the previous Czech and international literature relevant to the topic of the thesis;

· a full list of resources and literature, manuscript resources must be included with accurate information on their place of deposition;

· printed resources can be divided up into official publications, contemporary periodicals etc., or as needed;

· citations in the list of literature as well as in footnotes must be consistent and in accordance with the practice of one of important scientific periodicals in the field, e.g. Český časopis historický.

(5) The author’s own considerations and conclusions must be clearly differentiated from those quoted, both in quotation marks and rendered freely in paraphrases.

(6) At least two parts of the thesis must be published as articles in one of reviewed journals or journals with an impact factor.

(7) During the study, every doctorand must publish at least one review or report every year.

Proposed topics of Dissertation Theses

Supervising Tutor - Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.:

1) Textbooks at the Prague medical faculty in the Baroque era. (Note: Command of Latin language is essential.)

2) The medical faculty in Prague between 1650 and 1750 as reflected in manuscripts. (Note: Command of Latin and German language is essential.)

Supervising Tutor - Prof. MUDr. Václav Smrčka, CSc.:

1) Palaeopathological analysis of diseases from wet exhibits in Jedlička’s collection kept at the National Museum, including the collection of inborn errors and the teratologic collection.

Supervising Tutor - Prof. Smrčka, Consulting Tutor - Dr. Kuželka, curator of the collection

2) Processing the records of autopsies of the German as well as Czech university between 1830 and 1950 in Jedlička’s collection kept at the National Museum. (Note: Ability of orientation in medical terminology of the 19th century German language is essential.)
Supervising Tutor - Prof. Smrčka, konzultant – Dr. Kuželka, kurátor sbírky

3) Development of warfare trends, weapons and the resulting injuries from the past to the present.

4) Health and illness in the Hallstatt and La Tène periods.

5) Palaeopathological analysis of migration waves to Europe in the past.

Supervising Tutor - Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D.:

1) Students of medical faculties in Prague 1883-1945: prosopography, studies, student life, professional carriers.

2) History of professional fields and institutions at the Czech and German medical faculties in Prague 1883-1945 (particular fields; parallel history of specific fields and/or institutions at both schools, comparison to the fields at medical schools of central Europe, particularly in Germany and Austria) – from the above, for example, the Anatomical Institute of the German medical faculty.

3) Purkinje Society for Studies in Soul and Nerves, or more generally:

History of medical professional associations in 20th century.

Composition of the Field Board

Chairman of the Field Board:

Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine


Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Alušík, Ph.D. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine

Prof. PhDr. Lenka Bobková, CSc. – Charles University – Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ludmila Hlaváčková, CSc. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine

Prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Dr. – University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Prof. PhDr. Eduard Maur, CSc. – University of Pardubice, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Ondřej Naňka, Ph.D. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Novotný, CSc. – University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Prof. MUDr. Václav Smrčka, CSc. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, Bulovka Hospital

Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages; and Archive of Charles University

Assoc. Prof. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th. D. – Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine; Catholic Theological Faculty

List of Supervising Tutors

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Alušík, Ph.D.
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, U Nemocnice 4, 121 08 Praha 2, tel.: 224965622, e-mail: alusikt@gmail.com

Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, U Nemocnice 4, 121 08 Praha 2, tel.: 224965621, e-mail: karel.cerny@lf1.cuni.cz

Mgr. Bohdana Divišová, Ph.D.
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, U Nemocnice 4, 121 08 Praha 2, tel.: 224965624, e-mail: bohdana.divisova@lf1.cuni.cz

Prof. PhDr. Václav Smrčka, CSc.
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, U Nemocnice 4, 121 08 Praha 2, tel.: 224965622, e-mail:

Prof. PhDr. Petr Svobodný, Ph.D.
Institute of History of Charles University and Archives of Charles University, Ovocný trh 5, 116 36 Praha 1, tel.: 224491475, e-mail: petr.svobodny@ruk.cuni.cz

Mgr. David Tomíček, Ph.D.
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, Charles University – First Faculty of Medicine, U Nemocnice 4, 121 08 Praha 2, tel.: 224965624, e-mail: david.tomicek@centrum.cz

Survey of students and alumni:

Number of students – total: 13
(2 in English)
Number of alumni – 15

number of views: 5528 author: gsvar, last modification: gsvar, 18.01.2022
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