1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages
gsvar 20.08.2023

Karel Cerny, Assoc. Prof., PhD


Prof. Assoc. Karel Černý, PhD

Karel Černý graduated with master degree from University of South Bohemia (program Cultural History) in 1999. After becoming employee at the Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, he finished a Ph.D. degree in its History of Medicine program. In 2013 he received his venia legendi, thus becoming professor associate at the institute and was appointed head of the institute.

Since early 2000s, Karel Černý was involved in research of broad range of topics including history of Czech psychiatric societies, history of healing miracles in the 17th and 18th century Bohemia, and medicine in early modern Catholic orders (Jesuits, Dominicans). Recently, he focused on history of renaissance and baroque medical treatises related to plague.

Karel Černý is involved in an ongoing research of history of early modern nutrition, specifically the introduction of tea, coffee and chocolate into Europe and its medical context.

Selected publications:

· Karel Černý, Unfortunate Falls, Bladder Stones, and Plagues. Religious Medicine of St. Franciscus Xavier, in: Pavel Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého 2014, pp. 59-65.

· Karel Černý, Mor 1480-1730. Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku, Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum 2014, 504 pp., isbn 978-80-246-2297-2. (Translation: Epidemics in early modern medical treatises, in Czech.)

· Karel Černý, Dominicans and balneology in the Bohemia and surrounding countries (1650 – 1720), Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica 11, 2013, No. 1, pp. 31-44.

· Karel Černý, Magical and Natural Amulets in Early Modern Plague Treatises, Sudhoffs Archiv 97, 2013, No. 1, pp. 81-101.

· Karel Černý, Early Modern “Citation Index”? Medical Authorities in Academic Treatises on Plague (1480–1725), Prague Medical Report 113, 2012, No. 2, pp. 119-135.

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