1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages
gsvar 29.08.2017

Credits and Exams

Rules for Passing Credits and Exams in Medical Terminology

Winter Term

During the winter term only the students of Dentistry can take normal exams. All the remaining students have to follow rules for so called “pre-terms” (for details see further below). Examination during the winter term follows similar rules to that of summer term. Dates and other details for all the exam sessions available during the winter term must be made available via the SIS no later than on November 1st. The list of exam sessions is final and will not be changed.

Students of General Medicine can take so called “pre-term” exams. Should they chose to do so, they will follow the rules for summer term pre-terms given further below.

Summer Term



· Each term ends with a credit and the whole subject is finished with the final exam. Therefore students of General Medicine have to pass one credit at the end of the winter term, another credit at the end of the summer term, and the final exam. Students of Dentistry have to pass one credit at the end of the winter term and the final exam.

· Conditions for credits are defined by each teacher individually.

· As a rule, only two absences are allowed during one term.

· If a student does not comply with all the conditions for obtaining the credit (for example too many absences as a result of a medical condition), he/she can ask the teacher for written credit test. If the test is passed, the student will be given the credit.

· Credits are given to students only by their respective teachers, because they have all the materials relevant for determining the student's proficiency. It is not allowed to request a credit test from another teacher.

· For well-founded reasons the student can ask to sit his/her credit test with a different teacher. In such case the student has to request this arrangement in writing (to be sent to doc. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.   karel.cerny@lf1.cuni.cz).



· Regular Exams

◦ The final examination can be attempted only three times. All the attempts must take place on different exam dates. It is not allowed to sit two examination tests within one examination date (i.e. during one day).

◦ Regular dates for exams are published via the SIS for the whole examination period starting from the 1st week of November (Dentistry) and the 6th week of the summer term (General Medicine). The extent of the examination period is published for each year in the faculty's List of Lectures (so called Karolinka).

◦ The dates for exams from Medical Terminology are not divided into separate blocs. All the examination dates are available for all the students. Please be advised that the list of exam dates published as stated above is final. If the student does not spent all his available exam attempts during the dates given in the SIS he/she cannot ask for additional dates. (See also the section “Unsuccessful attempts”).

◦ Each teacher will make available sufficient amount of positions during his/her exam dates. At least one exam date will be made available during the summer holidays.

◦ The exam from Medical Terminology does not depend on any pre-requisite.

◦ Student can sit the exam only if he/she passed all the required credits. Without credits (winter credit for Dentistry, winter and summer for General Medicine) it is impossible to sit the exam.

◦ The exam session can be booked or the booking cancelled depending on rules set up in SIS. There are no further limitations.

· Pre-term examinations

◦ Pre-term examinations offer students an opportunity to fullfil all the necessary requirements pertaining the subject of Medical Terminology even before the examination period.

◦ Pre-term examinations are arranged with the current teacher. The rule concerning credits (preceding the pre-term finals) still applies.

◦ Pre-terms are not made available via the SIS. They are set up individually depending on schedule of the student and the teacher.

· Structure of the exam

◦ Students can take the exam with any teacher of Medical Terminology. (While credit is limited only to the current teacher of student's group.)

◦ The exam consists of two parts: written test and an oral exam. Both parts are taken in one day. Student has to pass both parts in order to pass the whole final exam.

◦ The oral part of the exam will be based on the written part.

· Unsuccessful attempts

◦ If a student fails at the final exam, the earliest opportunity to sit the retake is after the period of one week.

◦ Students can take the final exam only three times (i.e. one final and two retakes). Additional remedial testing (4th etc.) is not allowed.

◦ Students are also limited by the end of the examination period (mid-September, for exact detail see the current List of Lectures – the Karolinka). If the student does not use all three available attempts before the end of the examination period, the remaining un-taken attempts are forfeit.

◦ It is not allowed to take exams after the expiration of examination period.

◦ In case of the 3rd (and last) attempt, the student can request a commissional examination. In such case the oral part will be taken in front of two examinators instead of only one.

· Absence on a booked exam

◦ Student who was unable to attend an exam session, which was booked via the SIS, has to send a written explanation to the examiner or to the head teacher for Medical Terminology (doc. Mgr. Karel Černý, Ph.D.). Students will not be allowed to book another date for exam sessions until the explanation is received and accepted by the teacher.

◦ Should the explanation be accepted the student will be informed via an email and will be able to book another session (if one is still available).

◦ The head teacher can ask student to provide an additional details in order to clarify the reasons for his/her absence.

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